- “On Fetterman, On Warnock” — Chuck Schumer can’t believe he has a majority
9. “Cuomo the Fake News Reindeer” — despite 2022, yet another “news” channel hands him a big payday anchor job
- “I’ve Got This Jan. 6th Report to Keep me Warm” – a former president considers a bonfire
- “Rockin’ Around the National Debt” – $32 trillion in arrears means coal-in-the- stocking for future Christmas taxpayers.
- “I’m Dreaming of a White Supremacist” — The White House Press Corps Chorale
- “All I Want for Christmas is Gas“ – Former European BFFs of Vladimir
4. “Signatures” – petition-gatherers sing to the melody of “Silver Bells”
- “Ballots Roasting O’er an Open Fire” – our Christmas prayer: one person, one vote
- “Silent Night” – Mainstream media fails to report on the gargantuan scandal of FBI leaders promoting falsehoods worldwide through their allies at Twitter
- “We Three Kings” – gifts from wealthy influence-seekers in China, Russia and Ukraine arrive to warm the hearts of “the Big Guy” and all Bidens
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To communicate with the editor, please e-mail herbstupp@gmail.com .