10. Which is preferable to you : President Trump’s strong sanctions against Russia, or Hillary Clinton’s sale of American uranium assets to Vladimir Putin?
9. When and where did you last hunt for your own food?
8. You have all been running for president for months now. Who wants to admit that your city or state is operating better without you? Show of hands, please.
7. How many illegal immigrants have you granted sanctuary to in your own house?
6. Senator Bernie Sanders doesn’t seem to comprehend the difference between “revenue” and “profit.” Can any of you explain this to him?
5. If it was wrong for past members of Congress to work with segregationist Senators…. what about anti-semitic extremists like Representatives Omar and Tlaib today?
4. Do you agree with Secretary Castro that transgender women require abortion rights?
3. If Presidents Harry S. Truman, John F. Kennedy or Lyndon B. Johnson were running for re-election today, would you or another “progressive” deserve support in opposing them?
2. You all agree that illegal aliens deserve free, unlimited health care at taxpayer expense. What other “free stuff” do you propose for illegals?
1. Most of your states have decriminalized marijuana possession. Are you high at this very moment?
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