- Unlimited First Class air travel to Boulder, Berkeley, Woodstock, Ann
Arbor and Cambridge
- Annual Superbowl admission (Game permanently moved to Utah
Salt Flats).
- Marijuana
- That big chocolate brownie in the diner’s display case ? Free. (Related
to #8 above).
- Tattoos (Feel the “Bern!”) (All political tattoo messages require
prior approval from new Dept. of Homeland Body Art in
- Birkenstock shoes (Job interview model)
- Subscriptions to Cuba’s official government “Granma“
newspaper (with no Cuban Internet, check those exciting job
- Unlimited “vacations” at communes in Vermont and Oregon
- Free tuition at private Bob Jones University (This is not a
misprint. Bob Jones will be a very different place with 450,000
- For the first 20 million migrants to cross in to the US, free lessons in
“Brooklyn-accented” (Bernie) English
- Bib overalls (Job interview model)
…and the # 1 BERNIE SANDERS IDEA for “MORE FREE STUFF from the
- 20 body piercings, per year, per commune