- Who’s to say when I am on “personal time?”
- If highways are racist, what about tank cars with chemicals on fire….?
- Let me out of the limo, so I can bicycle the last two blocks to the news conference.
- Those Bidens doesn’t deserve me….
- What’s more important than pilots and air traffic controllers? That is why I am announcing our “Flight Equity” plan today.
- These rubes in East Palestine haven’t even heard of transgenderism.
- I went to Harvard. That makes me competent automatically.
- It may be time for more “family leave” again…
- I need to take the private jet to Hawaii, so I can give speeches about mass transit.
- These goggles, vest and hardhat are exactly what General MacArthur would have worn…
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To communicate with the editor, please e-mail herbstupp@gmail.com .