- Grainy photo reveals Joseph Biden with a 5-inch wad of Ukrainian Hrvynian currency in his fist.
- Kamala openly admired Catherine the Great’s priceless diamond earrings, as modeled by Dr. Jill.
- When his cash income exceeded $4 million one year, Hunter condemned Obama-Biden income tax rates with compound cuss’ words.
- The Biden family has actually been grifting for seven generations.
- Even during a sound asleep, Hunter denounces the New York Post, with salty language and volume.
- Crack-cocaine appears to carbonate ordinary beverages.
- It takes a special man to look his best wearing only a kerchief.
- A great-great-uncle Biden was nicknamed “That Dang Swindler” by U.S. Senator Roscoe Conkling in 1881.
- Hunter narrates a short, 3-minute video on “how to cheat at blackjack.”
- As Indian Prime Minister Norenda Modi arrived for the White House state dinner, a man from a Delaware-based insurance agency approached him about needing “protection” for the Taj Mahal.
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