10. Henceforth, all really scary looking guns are banned.
9. National gun “buy back“ will offer free hot dog at the All Star game in Denver, in exchange for your home defense revolver.
8. For his past gun felonies, Hunter is pardoned forthwith.
7. Free health care is nice, but: AR-15s confiscated from law abiding owners will be issued to illegal migrants as part of their “Welcome to America” package.
6. Firing shotguns from back porches in Delaware will be permitted while the President is in- state.
5. A Federal “gun free zone” will exist within a 3-mile radius of Dr. Jill, Nancy and Chuck, at all times. Naturally, newly enlarged Secret Service details will be issued automatic weapons within these zones.
4. (In recognition of their longtime suffering…) Lifetime Federal concealed carry pistol permits are hereby allotted to Hillary R. Clinton, R. Hunter Biden, Eric Holder, Adam Schiff, and Anthony Weiner.
3. In the event of home invasion, operators will be available for “chat” on the White House website, 24/7.
2. All references to “the Second Amendment” will be blocked on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, as requested by the President of his friends.
- Federal tax credits will be available to homeowners installing metal detectors at their front doors.
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