10. Mr. Vice President: Right now, would you prefer a 3-minute massage from me, or four more warm, softball questions in a row?
9. Candidates: If elected, which of your family members would be discouraged from making deals with foreign governments?
8. Candidates: Quickly now, what is your best guess as to how many more Americans would have died without the bans on travel from China and Europe?
7. Candidates: will you commit right now to donating your presidential salary to charity?
6. Gentlemen, should Twitter and Facebook allow posts from the Iranian government, while censoring investigative reports from the New York Post and other American news organizations?
5, Mr. Vice President, are the police still the “enemy” in your mind?
4. Mr. President: What looks better to you at this moment, more questions on white supremacy, masks and your taxes, or a shot to the kneecap from a low-caliber pistol?
3. Hey Mr. Biden: more than once, you said you’d like to take the President “behind the gym.” Whadda ya say right here and now, tough guy?
2. Sirs, the US Supreme Court has operated with nine justices for 150 years. Should that number be expanded? Please answer in one sentence, prior to the election.
1. Mr. President, you moved from New York to Florida, primarily for tax reasons. Mr. Vice President, your friend Andrew is Governor of New York. If your Federal tax plan is enacted, successful people in New York, California and New Jersey will pay more than 60% in income taxes. Is that what you consider “their fair share?” Yes or no, from both of you, please…
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