10. Instead of lollipop, doctors now required to give children a likeness of Michelle Obama, crafted from soy and quinoa.
9. In states that have not established insurance exchanges, you apply for coverage directly from local Death Panel.
8. For only a $1200 deductible, your airfare is free and transplant surgery will be scheduled in Sudan.
7. HHS establishes new consumer-friendly categories for surgical approval: “Ha-ha-ha-ha,” “Fat chance,” and “Send this paperwork
to Washington.”
6. If you want to keep your doctor, buy a lottery ticket.
5. Lois Lerner assigned to check party registration prior to MRI approval…..
4. Those big premium increases are just “income inequality” surcharges.
3. Even at HHS, “assume the position” means grab and protect your wallet…
2. Your personal data and health records now safely housed in Hillary Clinton’s private server, but marked “classified.”
…And the number one surprising feature of Obamacare is :
1. No co-payments will be charged if you agree to play Russian Roulette.