10. Drink lots of high test coffee prior to debate.
9. Make a big deal out of a perfectly legal tax deduction by your opponent’s running mate.
8. Perfect that “What, me worry?” grin.
7. The louder you are when interrupting, the more respect you will command.
6. Navy Seals risked their lives to land in a Pakistani compound and hunt down Osama bin-Laden…
But give all credit to a politician watching on TV in Washington.
5. Decide prior to debate if you want to present a rabid image, or just a barkingly aggressive one.
4. Downplay your running mate’s criminality.
(E-mails? To whom? Donations to which foundation, again, sir ?)
3. Pretend not to hear these words: “Benghazi,” “pay-to-play,” “server bleaching.”
2. Always refer to your partner / running mate by her first name only.
Exemptions encouraged for Madonna, Beyonce and Cher, where applicable.
- Never stop talking, no matter what.
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