(Thanks for understanding “Your Weekly American Top Ten list’s” hiatus in May. We were in Berlin and South Africa.)
10. New Digital “National Debt Clock.” (Latest technology will prevent overheating).
9. The “Gallery of Spurned Allies.”
8. “Truth or Dare” with Susan Rice.
7. VOTE for your favorite Obamacare broken promises.
6. “World Apology Tour” Interactive Map.
5. Joe Biden “Gaffe-a-Day” continuous video loop
4. Hillary Clinton’s Most Inspiring Speeches (insert credit card to play)
3. “Hall of Reversing Climate Change,” featuring no heat in winter and no A/C in summer.
2. Bullet-proof “Safe Room” refuge from Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s record murder rate in Chicago.
…and the NUMBER ONE EXHIBIT in the works for the planned OBAMA PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY in CHICAGO is:
1. The “other side” of the Little Sisters of the Poor.
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While on the site, you can scroll back to catch up on previous Top Tens from 2016 and `17. Enjoy!